

Toolbars- These are a set of icons grouped together according to their functions. There are two types of toolbars; Formatting Toolbar and Standard Toolbar.

Formatting Toolbar- Contains icons that are used to perform basic formatting features such as; bold, underline, etc

Standard toolbar- Contains icons that allow you to perform common tasks such as cut, copy, paste etc.

1. How to Use the formatting toolbar to Bold, underline center etc:
a. Highlight the paragraph or text that you want to adjust .
b. Go to the formatting toolbar and then click on the specific icon.

2. How to Use the Standard toolbar to Bold, underline center etc
a. Highlight the paragraph or text that you want to adjust .
b. Go to the formatting toolbar and then click on the specific icon. 

Details of icons on the Formatting Toolbar

ToolDescriptionKeyboard shortcut
Format menuChoose a format for the paragraph (eg. heading, normal paragraph).
BoldBold the selected text.Ctrl-B
ItalicItalicise the selected text.Ctrl-I
Bulleted listAdd a bulleted list.
Numbered listAdd a numbered list.
Indent textIndent selected text. Can also be used to create nested lists.
Reduce indentReduce indenting of selected text.
Insert imageInsert or modify an image.
Insert a linkInsert a link to another web page.Ctrl-K
Remove linkRemove links from selected text.
Insert a tableInsert a table. 
View HTMLIf you are familiar with working in HTML, you can switch to working in HTML mode using this icon.
UndoUndo the last change.Ctrl-Z
RedoRedo what was last undone.Ctrl-Y
CutCut the selected text.Ctrl-X
CopyCopy the selected text to the clipboard.Ctrl-C
PastePaste text from the clipboard.Ctrl-V
Paste from WordPaste in text copied fromMicrosoft Word.
Remove formattingRemove all formatting from selected text.

                          Details of icons on the Standard Toolbar

This toolbar is a collection of important menu icons frequently used for making a document, such as ‘new’, ‘open’, and ‘save’.

Creates a new document on a new window.
Opens the saved document on the editing screen.
Saves the document in process.
Save as PDF
Saves the document in process as a PDF file.
Prints the document in process.
Print Preview
Shows the document to be printed on the screen.
Cuts the selected contents and copies to the clip board.

Cuts the selected contents and copies to the clip board.

Adds the contents, which are on the clip board, to the document.

Format Painter
Copies the format of the selected text or range to the assigned location.

Cancels the operation just executed.

Re-operates the the command canceled by 'Undo'.

Finds the document contents with words.

Replaces the word with another after finding on the document.
Draw Table
Inserts a table on the document.
Insert Picture
Inserts a picture on the document.
Insert Hyperlink
Creates hyperlink to the words.
Places a bookmark on the location of the mouse pointer.
Show/Hide All editing marks
Shows or hides the format and paragraph marks.

Now that you know about the different icons on the toolbars download click on the link below to download the work sheet.